LaF - Fast Access to Large ASCII Files
Methods for fast access to large ASCII files. Currently the following file formats are supported: comma separated format (CSV) and fixed width format. It is assumed that the files are too large to fit into memory, although the package can also be used to efficiently access files that do fit into memory. Methods are provided to access and process files blockwise. Furthermore, an opened file can be accessed as one would an ordinary data.frame. The LaF vignette gives an overview of the functionality provided.
Last updated 3 months ago
8.62 score 54 stars 5 dependents 61 scripts 1.1k downloadsreclin2 - Record Linkage Toolkit
Functions to assist in performing probabilistic record linkage and deduplication: generating pairs, comparing records, em-algorithm for estimating m- and u-probabilities (I. Fellegi & A. Sunter (1969) <doi:10.1080/01621459.1969.10501049>, T.N. Herzog, F.J. Scheuren, & W.E. Winkler (2007), "Data Quality and Record Linkage Techniques", ISBN:978-0-387-69502-0), forcing one-to-one matching. Can also be used for pre- and post-processing for machine learning methods for record linkage. Focus is on memory, CPU performance and flexibility.
Last updated 1 years ago
7.36 score 43 stars 1 dependents 89 scripts 524 downloadssimplermarkdown - Simple Engine for Generating Reports using R
Runs R-code present in a pandoc markdown file and includes the resulting output in the resulting markdown file. This file can then be converted into any of the output formats supported by pandoc. The package can also be used as an engine for writing package vignettes.
Last updated 2 years ago
5.97 score 18 stars 25 scripts 2.1k downloadsdatapackage - Creating and Reading Data Packages
Open, read data from and modify Data Packages. Data Packages are an open standard for bundling and describing data sets (<>). When data is read from a Data Package care is taken to convert the data as much a possible to R appropriate data types. The package can be extended with plugins for additional data types.
Last updated 3 days ago
5.62 score 2 stars