simplermarkdown 0.0.6 (2023-03-24)
New features
- New function 'output_shell' that can be used to include and run non-R code
blocks such as bash and python using 'system2'. Code and output can be
included in the resulting document.
- Added 'eval' argument to 'output_eval' (the default output filter). When
FALSE the code in the block is not run.
- For 'output_eval' additional arguments in the markdown header of the code
block (between the '{}') are passed on to the output block.
- Warnings and messages can now also be captured in the output. Messages are
captures by default. For warnings the option 'capture_warnings' has to
be set to 'TRUE'.
Bug fixes
- When run from a non-interactive session the code is no longer reformatted.
- Empty code blocks are now by default omitted in the output.
- The 'raw_attribute' pandoc extension present in more recent versions of
pandoc interfered with the procesessing of raw markdown blocks. This
extension is now disabled.
simplermarkdown 0.0.4 (2022-01-03)
New features
- 'md_figure' and 'output_figure' can now echo the commands used to generate the
figure. Use the arguments 'echo' and 'results' for that.
- Errors with hopefully more informative error messages in case something goes
wrong with the calls to pandoc.
Bug fixes
- Markdown documents without a header block would generate an error. Fixed.
- Output was truncated for longer blocks of code. Fixed.
- Expressions such as ‘iris[, foo := Sepal.Width/Sepal.Length]' were
’translated' to 'iris[, ':='(foo, Sepal.Width/Sepal.Length)]' in the output.
- When pandoc is not installed an empty dummy vignette is generated. This
prevents warnings on the CRAN machines without pandoc. This should already
have been working in the previous version except for a bug.